What you'll learn
I'll watch your first dance and prioritize exactly which techniques we need to focus on to make the most improvement possible (both in feeling and look)
I'll bring you through the Cleaning Process in our online session just as if we were in the studio together and you were getting to the end of your private lesson program
I'll give you personalized coaching throughout the session with our goal by the end looking like you have a much more polished, wedding ready first dance and are feeling more confident
Not every couple will struggle or need to clean the same things. I'll leave you with notes on exactly what things to focus in your practicing leading up to the wedding. These are items that I will see specifically will help your dancing the most.
Meet your Instructor
Partner Dance Wizard
You just worked your butts off learning and putting together your first dance- I am so proud of you! Now let's make sure all that effort shows by getting your dance and you as wedding-ready as possible.
About Booking
Some reminders about booking this session: 1) Ideally do this session with around 2 weeks or more remaining until the wedding to maximize your practice notes 2) You'll want to at least have your Goal #1- Muscle Memory complete before doing this session. (So at least be able to get through the dance from start to finish no matter if imperfect or know your pattern well when we meet. Ideally, you don't want to still be working on memorization when we meet so you can focus on cleaning.) Simply purchase your session and we will reach out to you via email to get you scheduled. Feel free to email [email protected] after completing your purchase and share with us best days/times for your session- please include your time zone. You'll need the tools to do a video call (strong internet, web/phone cam, etc).
Let's get wedding ready together! Book your 1-1 Private Session today!
Save yourself tons of work self-filming and critiquing and working through the long cleaning list. Working with a pro in a private session means you get a pair of eyes trained to quickly identify how to help you improve so we can get through all the tough stuff quickly and efficiently and make the rest of practicing much more streamlined.